1. Introduction Movies 2. Zombie Eating Kenneth 3. Where's Wesker 4. First Floor Mansion 5. Sudden Attack 6. Death Trap 7. Meeting Rebecca 8. Piano Frenzy 9. Completed Picture Puzzle 10. Second Floor Mansion 11. Forest Is DEAD 12. Save Room 13. Richard's Crisis 14. Snake Fight 15. Outside 16. Outside With Water Running 17. The Guardhouse 18. More Rooms 19. The Guardhouse Basement 20. Plant 42 21. Caught By Plant 42 22. Wesker Is Found 23. The Hunter Is Coming 24. First Floor Mansion AGAIN 25. Mansion Basement 26. Second Floor Mansion AGAIN 27. The Zombie Is Coming 28. Meeting Up With Barry 29. A Gunshot In The Underground 30. The Underground 31. Barry's Death 32. After Rock Attack 33. Big Big Spider 34. Entrance To The Laboratory 35. Third Floor Of The Laboratory 36. Slide Projector 37. The Power Room 38. Wesker's Theme 39. Barry's Revenge 40. The Tyrant's Room 41. Closeup Of The Tyrant 42. Tyrant Breaking Loose 43. The Triggering System 44. Long Lost Friend 45. Windy Heliport 46. The Tyrant AGAIN 47. Still Dawn